Foto de Hernan Miranda Paraguay

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HERNAN MIRANDA Was born in Concepcion , Paraguay in 1960 Although he never studied art at any of fine arts academies, as an adolescent he attended several drawing work shops. He has developed this tecnic during his first art experiences and this has deeply influenced his managing of the "Clarooscuro" and the tone value scale of this paintings. In the year 1987 he entered into te world of painting as an artist,organizing...

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Foto de Hernan Miranda Paraguay

HERNAN MIRANDA Was born in Concepcion , Paraguay in 1960 Although he never studied art at any of fine arts academies, as an adolescent he attended several drawing work shops. He has developed this tecnic during his first art experiences and this has deeply influenced his managing of the "Clarooscuro" and the tone value scale of this paintings. In the year 1987 he entered into te world of painting as an artist,organizing his first art show earning an award in drawing at a contest held by The "Magister Gallery" in Asuncion . Since them he has developed his paintings in a very prolific way ,participating at many arts shows in Asuncion an abroad. Obsessed by the light of the "Tenebristas" painters, Miranda has studies the works of Rembrantd, Caravaggio, Vermeer and the Compositions of Sanchez Cotan, Morandi and specially Antonio Lopez which has motivated him to seek beyond the academic virtuosity with a pragmatic painting , exploring deeper into the illusionist aspect of images , with a simple composition, Miranda not only seeks "Visual Effect" but also "Visual Affection" with elements through which the viewer finds easy communication and at the same time stimulates his visual perception. Upon studing the form and colors of the composition ,the artist considers "light" as being the protagonist of the paintings. At present Miranda is developing the "Bi Realism series", which consist of integrating the support (Wood panel, canvas, paper, pasteboard, etc,) into the painting, conserving the visual sthetics while bringing together the real and the " Virtual" reality. From 1993 to 1997 he taught painting at the "Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes" (National Fine Arts school) of Paraguay. Since 1998 he teaches realistic painting at the private studio and gives seminars at many institutions of art. At the moment, Hernan Miranda is living and working in the United Stated of America.His painting are exposed exclusively in EXOR GALLERIES, Boca Raton -USA; BELLARTE GALLERY ,Seoul-South Korea.

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